Accidents Happen.
Here's how it works:
Thanks to its innovative, dual-action system of gentle, gripping Microstaples
and Cantilever Springs, microMend does what no ordinary bandage can.
Provides the holding strength of a suture.
Helps skin move freely to prevent stretching and
irritation at the wound site that can result in scarring.
Perfectly painless to apply and remove.
Stock up so you don't need to be stitched up
Choose from a range of sizes that provide the ability to close nearly all wounds.
Don't let a bad cut
cut you out of your day
Keep microMend in your medicine cabinet, glove compartment, gym bag, backpack,
first aid kit, tool kit, garage and kitchen. Be ready when accidents happen.

Leading ER doctors, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, primary care physicians, pediatricians and many more recommend microMend®
John Hendren | Emergency Room Physician
“The microMend wound closure device is great for emergency use. I can apply it in seconds. Patients enjoy the painless application, the short length of stay in the Emergency Room, and the fact they don't have to return to have it removed.”
Marco Hernandez | Emergency Room Physician
“One of the first times I used microMend was on a 4-year-old patient who sustained a chin laceration. As most doctors do, I was dreading injecting anesthesia and suturing the wound. I could just see the relief on her face that her child did not need to undergo the trauma of sutures. I saw the child for wound check 3 days later and the wound looked great!”
Dan Wahl | Emergency Room Physician
"microMend products are truly revolutionary. They have noticeably decreased our throughput times for laceration repairs in the Emergency Department. Moreover, patients love them because there are no needles involved. Additionally, the cosmetic results are fantastic. These products are especially useful for laceration repairs in children and their use has led to greater patient, parent and provider satisfaction."
Lawrence Zeidman | Primary Care Physician
"microMend is a great alternative to suturing lacerations and cuts. It is as easy to use as a bandage and has miniature staples that provide holding strength that rivals sutures. It goes on painlessly and can be applied in seconds. Wounds heal rapidly with less scarring."
Ross Zeltser | Dermatologic Surgeon
"One of the main advantages of the device is the elimination of ‘railroad track’ suture marks. This goes along with the general diminution of wound inflammation. The ease of application and removal are major time-saving factors for the surgeon."

And so do moms, chefs, athletes, bikers, hikers, boaters, builders, mechanics, machinists, do-it-yourselfers and anyone with a face, fingers, feet, knees, arms, and chins - including kids!
Necessary addition to the medicine cabinet!
Saved us a trip to the ER
"I bought these to be proactive am very glad I did. My four year old son hit his head on a metal Easter basket, breaking the basket and causing a very nasty, wide scrape on his scalp. I knew it would be terrible to try to give him stitches. These did an absolutely wonderful job. Every parent should keep these on hand."
Park Burrets
Works Great!
"I cut myself in the kitchen cutting corn off of the cob. Used the device for the first time. Being transparent, you can see the wound as you apply it; I like that aspect. It closed the wound just right. It healed up very nicely, very quickly."
Jake Picarelli
"It’s amazing how fast and easy microMend works! My friend was surfing, and he cut his foot. A few days later after using the closure the cut was completely closed. Awesome product!!"
The greatest invention ever
"This is an amazing product!! I wanted something to put on my son's forehead when the glue from the ER busted apart. I expected the application to hurt him, but he didn't even notice the microstaples!! He would have had a massive scar without this amazing little device. I will be keeping them on hand in my first aid kit forever!"
Really great
"Wish I didn't have to use this. Normally I would grab whatever was nearby (typically duct tape - I'm a contractor) but duct tape removal is never pretty. I had this handy and gave it a go. I was surprised at how well this "stuck" and allowed me to close & hold my cut much better. Ordering more so I always have this handy."
Katie Plante
Saved me a trip to the ER
"Worked amazing for what I needed, it adhered well to my cut. The thickness was perfect I could barely feel it there. And it had enough stretch that it moved with the wound during my everyday activities as a Dining Room manager. There’s lots of running around."
Ben N.
Wow, Amazing
"This quite simply is one of the coolest products I have ever bought. I wish I had this the first three times I had stitches."