Consumer Products
Simple to Apply as a Bandage - Strong as a Suture
Avoid a Trip to the ER and Treat Your Wound Wherever You Are
When you get a cut that needs more than a bandage, think microMend. A unique wound care alternative to sutures, staples and adhesive strips, microMend uses revolutionary Microstaple technology to anchor the device safely to the skin and protect the incision site. microMend is the best new way to effectively treat skin tears, cuts and lacerations.
Painless | Quick | Easy to Use | Affordable | Safe | Great for Children

Stock Up and Be Prepared

Add to Your
- First Aid Kit
- Medicine Cabinet
- Tool Box
- Suitcase
- Backpack
- Office
- Car/Truck/RV
- Sports Bag
Accidents Happen
- Kitchen
- Garage or Projects
- Sports and Playground
- Biking and Hiking
- Camping
- Hunting and Fishing
- Traveling
- Construction and Manufacturing
microMend Benefits
microMend is a hassle-free and much less expensive alternative to being treated at the ER or Urgent Care Clinic.
- Securely Closes Wounds
- Keeps Wounds Closed Like Stitches
- Applies Like a Band-Aid®
- Wounds heal with Minimal to No Scarring
- Quick and Painless to Apply
- Easily Removed at Home

What Customers Say
Necessary addition to the medicine cabinet!
"I accidentally dropped a knife on my foot (😳), and the microMend was perfect for keeping me out of the ER. The product was easy to apply and helped keep the wound protected and together. Plus, the cut healed so quickly. I am going to get more for our medicine cabinet."
Saved us a trip to the ER
"I bought these to be proactive am very glad I did. My four year old son hit his head on a metal Easter basket, breaking the basket and causing a very nasty, wide scrape on his scalp. I knew it would be terrible to try to give him stitches. These did an absolutely wonderful job. Every parent should keep these on hand."
Park Burrets
Works Great!
"I cut myself in the kitchen cutting corn off of the cob. Used the device for the first time. Being transparent, you can see the wound as you apply it; I like that aspect. It closed the wound just right. It healed up very nicely, very quickly."
Jake Picarelli
"It’s amazing how fast and easy microMend works! My friend was surfing, and he cut his foot. A few days later after using the closure the cut was completely closed. Awesome product!!"
The greatest invention ever
"This is an amazing product!! I wanted something to put on my son's forehead when the glue from the ER busted apart. I expected the application to hurt him, but he didn't even notice the microstaples!! He would have had a massive scar without this amazing little device. I will be keeping them on hand in my first aid kit forever!"
Really great
"Wish I didn't have to use this. Normally I would grab whatever was nearby (typically duct tape - I'm a contractor) but duct tape removal is never pretty. I had this handy and gave it a go. I was surprised at how well this "stuck" and allowed me to close & hold my cut much better. Ordering more so I always have this handy."
Doctor Recommended
Clinically Proven Wound Closure Technology

Superior clinical results show improved patient experiences nationwide. And now, you can apply microMend right at home or work, while travelling, or in the outdoors.

In clinical studies, 90% of patients preferred cosmetic results with microMend to sutures.

microMend is a Class 1 510k exempt medical device listed with the FDA and is made in the U.S.A.