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Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery Clinical Study (1 month)

Patients Strongly Preferred microMend over Sutures in Head-to-Head Comparison

Results using microMend

results using micomend
results using micromend for wound closure
results of using micromend for wound closure
wound closure using micromend

Results using sutures

open wound results using suture
open wound result using sutures not sealed
scarring from using sutures
scarring results from using sutures
suture use results, red wound
deep scarring result from suture use

microMend Applied to Wounds

micromend applied to wound on leg
micromend applied to wound on ankle
micromend applied to wound on back
micromend applied to wound on head laceration
micromend applied to laceration on back

Wounds Before and After Closure with microMend

Emergency Medicine

Lacerations and Skin Tears

2 in open wound on head
three inch wound on forehead
Healed wound on forehead using micromend
two inch open wound on forehead
two inche wound using micromend
healed wound on forehead
bloody open wound on arm
open arm wound with micromend
healed arm wound with no scarring
bloody, burned, open arm wound
open burn wound using micromend
healed burned arm
burned open arm wound using micromend
healed arm wound
centimeter wound on finger
finger wound using micromend
healed finger wound with no scarring
bleeding forehead injury
micromend applied on forehead
healed forehead from microMend


Skin Cancer Excisions and Mohs Surgery

before microMend
with microMend
90 days after microMend
microMend applied above lip
healed lip from microMend
before microMend
with microMend
healed from microMend
microMend applied about lip


Port Sites after Minimally Invasive Surgery

results of sutures vs micromend in patient one
micromend results vs suture results in patient two
micromend resuults vs suture results in patient 3

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