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Improving Wound Care for Children

Treating a child presents a unique challenge for healthcare providers. Without thoughtful, sensitive treatment focused on the unique needs of the pediatric patient population, urgent care providers risk dissatisfied patients, decreased patient outcomes, and delayed patient care.

Urgent care professionals must treat pediatric wounds effectively while minimizing the pain and fear associated with medical procedures. Using microMend to close wounds instead of stitches at urgent care can accomplish both.

Challenges in Treating Pediatric Patients

Many urgent care providers are not specially trained in pediatric care, making it difficult to adequately address the needs of this fragile patient population. In fact, in one study, urgent care providers who treated pediatric patients identified uncooperative children requiring minor procedures as one of the most challenging situations they encounter.

Urgent care providers who are uncomfortable treating children are more likely to refer pediatric patients to the emergency department for treatment that could be handled at urgent care. Providers may struggle to restrain children for procedures and injections of anesthetic, or they may be uncomfortable providing care to a child which may result in scarring.

Pediatric patients require patience and clear communication from providers, especially since studies show that many pediatric patients find medical visits to be emotionally frightening and psychologically traumatizing. When pediatric patients feel powerless over their environment, they may demonstrate their emotions through anxiety, anger, or aggression.

When children are unable to control their emotions in a medical environment, three outcomes tend to occur:

  • Medical treatment is delayed
  • Treatments and procedures suffer longer completion times
  • Patient satisfaction is reduced

Urgent care providers that treat pediatric patients thoughtfully will not only create a more comfortable healthcare experience for their patients, they'll also save time and increase their practice's bottom line. New advances in technology improve upon traditional treatment, like wound care, making it more comfortable for pediatric patients.
microMend Improves Outcomes for Pediatric Patients

microMend is a revolutionary new technology that makes wound care faster and less painful for pediatric patients. Using microMend for wound care also improves patient outcomes compared to traditional wound care methods, like suturing or giving children stitches.

Less Painful 

microMend is a less painful wound care option than traditional suturing methods, making it a great choice for pediatric patients. The microMend bandage is shaped like a traditional butterfly bandage and contains an array of tiny metal microstaples which securely fasten it to the wound. These microstaples provide tight skin closure without needing to have the wound stitched. 

The application process is as quick as applying a bandage, and it does not require anesthesia. Once the wound has healed, parents can remove the microMend bandage at home with minimal discomfort to their child.

Less Frightening

Anesthesia injections and suturing kits can be frightening to children, causing emotional outbursts, resistance to treatment, and delayed or prolonged wound care. Using microMend avoids these intimidating aspects of traditional wound care since there's no need for needles or anesthesia. 

microMend is just like a bandage, but better. A typical bandage covers a wound to protect it from possible infections while it heals. microMend provides the same level of protection while also serving as the agent that closes the wound. It's comfortable to wear and familiar to children, who are already used to having bandage-like devices close wounds.

Fewer Visits

One drawback to traditional wound care methods is that, in many cases, stitches or sutures must be removed by the provider at a follow-up visit, necessitating an additional appointment. microMend eliminates this follow-up visit since parents can simply remove microMend at home once the wound has healed.

Less Scarring

Stitches at urgent care effectively close wounds, but they often result in scarring once the wound has healed and the stitches have been removed. Scarring results from skin inflammation during the healing process. When patients receive stitches, they not only have the potential to develop scarring from their wound, but they can also develop scars where the stitches entered their skin. Since microMend reduces inflammation and doesn’t damage the skin the way stitches do, scarring from the wound is minimized.

Additionally, scarring risk increases when stitches are left in too long. Because microMend can be removed at home without waiting for a follow-up visit, microMend decreases the risk of scarring.

Urgent care medical professionals certainly see their fair share of wounds—especially in accident-prone pediatric patients. Using microMend to close pediatric wounds benefits patients and providers. If you’re looking to close a pediatric patient’s wound quickly and effectively, consider using microMend as a painless alternative to stitches. Contact us today to request a quote.